Dr. Waleed Hazbun “The Spiral of Militarization in US Policy Towards the Middle East”

Journal Article


Dr. Waleed Hazbun (University of Alabama)

Published: 06/24/2024

Journal Title:

Pathways to Renewed and Inclusive Security in the Middle East (PRISME) Spring 2024

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This memo outlines factors that have sustained the spiral of militarization in US policy with a focus on the Middle East. These include 1) exaggerated threat perception, 2) declining US political leverage abroad, 3) the workings of a policy and political economy “iron triangle,” 4) US interests and policy defined by militarized masculinity, and 5) technological change and the ongoing blurring of distinctions between peace and war. While these factors suggest seemingly overwhelming pressures for militarization, they also help define the multiple areas where the struggle against militarization needs to be fought and demilitarized alternative approaches fostered.