Dr. Samara Klar Will Be Visiting the UA Political Science Department

Dr. Samara Klar will be visiting the University of Alabama Political Science Department on Wednesday, November 7th to give a talk. The talk will be held in room 346 from 12:00pm-1:30pm. Abstract: Most Americans receive their political news from social media platforms. These platforms algorithmically determine the order in which news is presented, usually relying an article’s popularity (i.e. number of likes, shares, and comments) to determine its ranking. To what extent does sorting the news by popularity influence people’s [...]

Election Discussion with Political Science Faculty

ten Hoor 30

What are your thoughts on our most recent election? Join the Political Science Faculty on 11/9/18 at noon in ten Hoor 30 to hear our reactions to the election and to have an opportunity to ask your own questions!

Dr. David Konisky Will Be Visiting the UA Political Science Department

Dr. David Konisky will be visiting the University of Alabama Political Science Department on Friday, January 25th to give a talk in ten Hoor 346 from 12:00-1:30 pm. David Konisky’s research focuses on American politics and public policy, with particular emphasis on environmental politics and policy, regulation, federalism, state politics, and public opinion. His research has been published in various journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the Journal of Politics, and [...]

Dr. Carrie Wickham Will Be Visiting the UA Political Science Department

Dr. Carrie Wickham will be visiting the University of Alabama Political Science Department on Wednesday, February 27th to give a talk in ten Hoor 117 from 12:00-1:30 pm. Talk title: "Re-Thinking Democratization in the Arab World: The Case for a Paradigm Shift"