Graduate Student Handbooks

Welcome to the Department of Political Science at The University of Alabama. We’re glad you’re here, and we are committed to making your experience in our program rewarding and productive.

This handbook is designed to provide you with information on our graduate programs. While we have worked hard to make this handbook as useful as possible, it is still important that you read the University’s Graduate Catalog, as well as all relevant information from the Graduate School’s website.

As a graduate student in Political Science, you are considered an important part of department life. Our graduate programs are designed to bridge the gap between your undergraduate education and your future professional life as a political scientist or public administrator. In that sense, you have made an important leap in your academic career. No longer will your classes consist merely of taking notes, writing papers, and passing exams. As a pre-professional, you are expected to contribute to the learning environment by participating actively in seminars, learning the research methods and theoretical perspectives that are relevant to your program of study, and, where appropriate, contributing original research to your field. In return, we promise to work with you to help you achieve your goals.

Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Please feel free to visit me during office hours or to make an appointment if there is anything regarding the program that you wish to discuss. Again, welcome. We look forward to working with you over the next several years, and to rejoicing in your professional accomplishments in the future.


Joseph Smith
Department Chair

Program Handbooks (PDFs)